About PN Initiative

About Prurigo Nodularis (PN)

Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a chronic dermatosis characterized by the presence of intensely itchy, symmetrically distributed hyperkeratotic nodules. While the exact pathophysiology of the disease is not fully understood, it develops in the context of dermatologic, systemic, and neuropsychiatric disease conditions. Prevalence in the United States is estimated at 72 patients per 100,000 persons, although the real numbers are thought to be much higher.1

Clinical Toolkit

The THRIVE PN initiative is an online learning tool designed to share evidence-based resources and meet the educational needs of medical practitioners who diagnose, treat, and/or manage patients with PN in a user-friendly, easily accessible manner with up-to-date information on the diagnosis, management techniques, and current/emerging treatments in the management of PN. Additionally, the website provides links to published articles, data, and clinical trials. With our online tools, we hope to offer users a convenient resource to improve clinical outcomes and the patient’s quality of life. Our Clinician Toolkit is a handy educational resource for healthcare professionals to learn about PN so they can design personalized treatment plans for patients with PN that incorporate both systemic and topical agents to address their symptoms and improve their outcomes and quality of life.

Specifically, the Clinician Toolkit aims to provide the following:

  • High-quality, unbiased information for treating professionals to improve quality of care
  • Schedule and maps of live meetings that users may want to attend
  • Host enduring programs and links to other relevant CME programming
  • An overview of the diagnosis, pathophysiology, management techniques, and current/emerging treatments in PN
  • Links to published articles, data, and clinical trials
  • Guidance on a multidisciplinary approach to care
  • Animations and high-quality medical 2D illustrations
  • Portal to the quality improvement (QI) posters
  • Reading/resources page

Thank you for visiting us today. We welcome you to our website and invite you to explore the various links for cutting-edge clinician-related information on PN.

About Med Learning Group

Med Learning Group is a full-service, accredited medical education company. We focus on developing and implementing continuing education that improves the healthcare practitioners’ ability to provide optimal care to their patients. Our goal is to provide high-quality education that is designed to deliver the highest level of outcomes for both the patient and the practitioner.

Med Learning Group has expertise in developing both live and online activities that are innovative, case-based, interactive, and patient-centric in nature. We apply adult learning theory and principles to our programs and, more importantly, understand the nuances of our specialty audiences. We design programs for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners, and we have a deep understanding of how to educate both specialty audiences and general practitioners. The mission of Med Learning Group is to design educational activities for healthcare practitioners that increase competence, change behavior, and optimize patient care. The major focus of our education is the creation of innovative and interactive educational programs designed with scientific rigor, fair balance, and evidence-based content.

  1. Huang AH, et al. Prurigo nodularis: epidemiology and clinical features. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;83: 1559-1565.

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